all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6AA 30 2 56.022327 -3.909252
FK6 6AD 13 1 56.021448 -3.908583
FK6 6AE 48 0 56.02239 -3.911582
FK6 6AF 18 0 56.022188 -3.914155
FK6 6AG 70 0 56.021674 -3.911434
FK6 6AH 31 0 56.02173 -3.915304
FK6 6AJ 16 0 56.021339 -3.917338
FK6 6AL 6 0 56.021131 -3.916253
FK6 6AN 26 0 56.021091 -3.913667
FK6 6AQ 37 0 56.021947 -3.911175
FK6 6AS 9 0 56.021293 -3.914512
FK6 6AW 58 0 56.021039 -3.917018
FK6 6AY 1 1 56.02158 -3.907594
FK6 6AZ 1 1 56.023273 -3.907607
FK6 6BA 13 4 56.02158 -3.907594
FK6 6BB 1 1 56.022091 -3.907138
FK6 6BH 10 0 56.030254 -3.908648
FK6 6BJ 17 4 56.027804 -3.89642
FK6 6BL 11 5 56.021035 -3.88228
FK6 6BQ 5 0 56.029612 -3.926832